Barbie for big girls.

Posts tagged “Barbie Fan Club

BFMC Blush and Gold Arrives

This morning the Barbie Collector website was updated to release images of this new addition to the Silkstone BFMC 2017 collection. is where I would say “BFC members were given a sneak peak of this one a month ago” but…I can’t say that as there is no official Barbie Fan Club as of the posting of this blog report.  Let’s face the facts folks…the BFC may not be coming back.  This makes me sad but I can’t pretend I and many others didn’t see the writing on the wall a long time ago.  With all the troubles on their website, crazy no win treasure hunts, questionable business practices ( {cough}, camel coat, {cough}) the demise of the BFC doesn’t surprise me at all.  Oh and there is also this little factoid.  Mattel stock fell off a cliff a couple weeks ago due to abysmal earnings.  Way worse than what was expected…never a good thing for a publically traded stock. 

©2017 MSN Money

This is just me speculating here but..all of these bits and pieces point to  bad news for the Barbie Fan Club and the future of Barbie Collector.  How much longer before the current Barbie Collection website is rolled into the new Mattel website?  Bye Bye collector forums.

So, with that “Debbie Downer” opener, lets talk about the latest release Mattel DID in fact give collectors today.

Blush & Gold Cocktail Dress Barbie® Doll

Gold Label®

Designer: Robert Best

Release Date: 5/08/2017

Retail: $100.00  !!! yes, you saw it correctly

©2017 Mattel Inc. - BFMC Blush and Gold Arrives

©2017 Mattel Inc. - BFMC Blush and Gold Arrives

©2017 Mattel Inc. - BFMC Blush and Gold Arrives

©2017 Mattel Inc. - BFMC Blush and Gold Arrives

That is one hefty price tag for a shorter dress and basic accessories ( no jewelry folks and a plastic purse).  I am also not wowed by the facial screening in these images.  I do realize however that she may look a lot better IRL so there is always that hope. they say….a picture tells a thousand words.  Do these images sell a $100 dollar doll?  Not too sure about that.  I think more than anything, my question for Mattel’s Barbie Collector BFMC personnel is “ Does your lack of communication, perks for your customers(BFC), and general disorganized product roll out encourage collectors to want to buy?”

Debbie Downer out….

Barbie and Oscar

No, Barbie isn’t stepping out on Ken but she has been spending a whole lot of time with Oscar de la Renta recently.  In the past week, Mattel released the ODLR Bride Barbie through dealers and their Barbie collection website.

Oscar de la Renta Barbie® Doll

©2016 Mattel

©2016 Mattel

©2016 Mattel©2016 Mattel


©2016 Mattel

This past week, Barbie has also been exhibiting an definite Oscar de la Renta affinity.  If you are a fan of the @Barbiestyle Instagram account, you may have noticed quite a few  ODLR designs making an appearance.

This one is my favorite….

©2016 Mattel

Wish we could get this suit produced!!  Here is the inspiration I think.. Oscar de la Renta PreFall 2016 collection


As Barbie enjoyed the Tribeca Film Festival this pastt week….

©2016 Mattel

And from the Oscar de la Renta Pre Fall 2016 collection


Barbie also enjoyed some time in New York City prior to the the film festival…

©2016 Mattel

And another look straight off the catwalk, from the ODLR spring 2016 runway.

Oscar-de-la renta spring 2016 RTW

Last but certainly not least…this weekend at Grant a Wish Convention, the 2016 Silkstone BFMC exclusive was debuted.  Her name is City Chic Suit.  Here she is…  A big Thanks to Aleshia Hunley for letting me use her photos {Hugs}.  No information on when she will be available or what her price will be.

©2016 Aleshia Hunley

©2016 Aleshia Hunley

©2016 Mattel

Hmmmmmm….not sure about this one folks.  The drawing is divine.  The production…not so much.  I guess it will depend on the price point but I’m thinking…..Pass.  The inspiration for this one also seems to also be Oscar de la Renta.  This time we go to the 2016 Resort collection of ODLR.

oscar-de-la-renta-Resort 2016020-1366


Soda Shop Barbie

Bill Greening has given the BFC his next installment in the Willows, WI line that is continuing to pay homage to Midwest Americana nostalgia.  This one is only available to BFC members, and a nice perk of membership this year in my opinion.  How can you not find this one adorable?!!  That face!!  Awwwww….makes me want to pull up an upholstered chrome stool and slurp down a milkshake.  Nostalgia isn’t cheap though folks…she comes with a hefty price tag of $75.  You do get some adorable little extras though.   And, it’s pink and there is a poodle involved…enough said, I’m buyin’.   Excellent work Mr. Greening!!  One question though, where are the saddle shoes?!  Guess they really wouldn’t have gone with the look.

Winking smile

Soda Shop Barbie® Doll ( BFC Exclusive)

Gold Label®

Designer: Bill Greening

Release Date: 2/10/2016

Retail: $75.00

©2016 Mattel, Inc.

©2016 Mattel, Inc.

©2016 Mattel, Inc.

©2016 Mattel, Inc.

And…what about that set!!!  Me likes.


2016 BFC Membership Renewal Open to Current Members…

…and I am honestly conflicted about it.  I went ahead and purchased a membership ( and had difficulties doing it see story below) but I am conflicted as to whether this is something I would really recommend to a new or even seasoned collector at this point. 

©2016 Mattel, Inc.

©2016 Mattel, Inc.

Here is what I am liking about this years club.

1) AA Silkstone in a blue suit looks scrumptious!!  She will be a BFC exclusive so only available to the club.  This may be worth the $25 alone and is perhaps the main reason I signed back up this year.  Mr. Best, you get my vote…your tech department does not.

2)  Soda Shop Barbie ( part of the Willows, WI  line) is ADORABLE.  Love the poodle skirt and love where Bill Greening has taken and seems to be taking this line.  Well done Mr. Greening.

3) The Free gift is a chair!  And it seems to be the same pattern as the gilt chairs in the dioramas we all love so much from BFMC.  But…it’s black and not gold or gilt.  Hmmmmm… see more on this below.


Here is what I am not liking about this years club:

1) The chair is black and not gilt or gold.  I mean we can spray paint…no problem … but there is some work involved with that one.  You need to make sure it’s the right gold…and does that white seat cover come off?  Is it cloth or is it plastic?  It’s totally doable…just wish they had sprung the extra buck and had them sprayed gold is all.  I was kind of primed for the gold based on what was said in the promotional video about the articulated silkstone’s.  But…free is free so guess I really can’t complain.  Will take it and say “Thank you!”

2) The free gift doesn’t come until March?  Why the three month delay?  Yes, I say three months because I suspect this puppy won’t be mailed until late March.  Oh and read the fine print people…in order to get said chair, you need to have signed up by 03/31/16.

3) NOT liking the troubles I experienced on the “improved” website.  I had to sign in multiple times to get my account to recognize me as a BFC member and therefore allowed to purchase a membership today.  Once that hurdle was jumped,  I experienced the “waiting room” and once I made it out of the waiting room and had the item in my cart, I attempted to actually pay for my membership.  Here is what I got

BFC 2016 2

What!!  My response to the screen was “ You have got to be kidding me!  This was supposed to be the “improved system”.  Do you want my business and money or not Mattel?!!

After about 4 minutes, I went back in and was able  to re-enter all my payment info and successfully complete my transaction but for 4 minutes I contemplated whether or not it was worth it.  This BC website is seriously affecting my love of Barbie and my collecting mojo.  I am just not feeling the love from Mattel when stuff like this happens and the more it happens, it makes me question why I am giving my money to them.  I hate to say it but there it is.  Just expressing my concern and sadness.    Oh and the graphic you see above…the nice one with the pictures and explanation of the club…it’s only visible if you sign out of your membership account and are looking at the BC site as a non -member.  What?!!  So members were not able to actually see the free gift chair on the product page when they paid for their membership but people who are thinking about signing up for the first time can see it?  Can someone please, please explain this one to me?!! 

So…here I am….conflicted because I am in essence advertising the Barbie Fan Club and including links in this blog post for people if they are interested and yet…I am really disappointed at how the roll out of this club has played out.  Is this a harbinger for tough times ahead?  Will I continually have problems purchasing?  Will I have to log in and out of the website to see content that I am interested in?  Will I ever be able to search the BC website and find what I am looking for?  I remain hopeful but guarded.  Mattel, are you hearing any of this?

I guess what I will leave potential buyers with is a big fat CAVEAT EMPTOR .

                                       Caveat Emptor – let the buyer beware

If you are a current BFC member, you can sign up for the club now.  If you are a new member, you can start signing up a week from now on 1/19/2016. 

Barbie Fan Club Renewal

The Barbie Fan Club will be up for renewal starting today.  If you are currently a member, you can sign up for the new 2014 BFC club starting today.  If you are not currently a member, you can start signing up a week from today on January 15th.  There are approximately 8,000 memberships up for grabs and this club sold out towards the end of last year.

image source in this post:  Mattel, Inc


Here are the some of the perks in the club this year.

  • Up to $80 in Online Shop rewards – $20 per calendar quarter*
  • A Barbie Fan Club card case** – your gift with membership (and sent with free shipping)


  • Quarterly “Designer Videos,” sneak peeks at upcoming releases, downloadable goodies, and access to the exclusive Barbie Bulletin Board
  • First access to audio interviews, collector spotlights, Fun Facts, and looks “behind the glam” with the passionate people on the Barbie® Collector team
  • The opportunity to purchase four (4) Club-exclusive dolls, as announced*** (doll purchase is NOT a requirement of membership)

Here are some of the exclusive doll offerings

A platinum level doll…which means only 999 (my apologies to Jim) of her will be released. 


An adorable Holiday Hostess for the next year.  How cute is this one?!!!


Our first Silkstone sneak peak for the 2014 year.  A very hip and modern interpretation of an elegant tuxedo.  Rogier with Dutch Barbie World put up a photo of the possible inspiration for this one.  I think he absolutely nailed it.  Feel free to have a look here


And lastly, Mattel announced there will be a vintage reproduction gift set out in the  new year.  I wonder what fabulous set Bill Greening will have for us.


You will notice there is no Silkstone Club doll this year nor are there any sneak peaks of any of the Silkstone Barbie dolls for 2014.  By this time in the past, we have at least three Silkstone Barbie sneak peaks for the coming year.  I have my suspicions as to why this is.  Tune in tomorrow for that discussion.

I am kind of slow getting this information out there this year because as of right now…I cant even get onto the Barbie Fan Club site.  I have no idea why and will be spending a lovely time trying to do some long distance tech support with the fabulous folks on Mattel’s IT team.  Goody.

Barbie Fan Club 2013 Renewal Registration Opens….

Today at 9:00AM PST for current members.  Registration for new members opens one week on later 2/13.

Here are some of the Fantastic things in store for members this year.

  • The opportunity to purchase four (4) Club-exclusive dolls, as announced** (doll purchase is NOT a requirement of membership)
  • Up to $80 in Online Shop rewards – $20 per calendar quarter*
  • A surprise gift with your membership, Quarterly “Designer Videos” with the creators of Barbie® Collector dolls, sneak peeks at upcoming releases, downloadable goodies, and access to the exclusive Barbie™ Bulletin Board

Important dates to remember

  • Club Renewal Starts 2/6
  • New Club Spots Open 2/13
  • Card and Welcome Letter Ships Starting 3/15
  • Membership Gift with Purchase Silkstone® Dress Form Ships Starting 7/12

** Photos are courtesy of Mattel, Inc.**

And the 2013 Barbie Fan Club doll is…..

Boater Ensemble.

ADORE!!!  The  little Chanel hat on her is to die for!

Boater Ensemble 3

Boater Ensemble 4Boater Ensemble 6

Three remaining club exclusives are

Black and White collection

BFC Holiday Hostess New years

Tailored Tuxedo Ken

Squeeeeeealllll!  I wonder if this is a Silkstone Ken??!!  No clarification on this yet.

And gift with purchase of membership is another mannequin but this one is black.  The verbiage on the Barbie Collector website stipulates the dress form won’t start shipping until 7/12.  Wellll….that’s a bit of a wait.  They will serve no noir dress form until its time apparently.  Ah well, it will give all of us diorama enthusiasts a chance to build that perfect shop window scene to showcase this baby.

Silkstone Dress Form

For more information and a link to renew your BFC membership, click below

BFC 2013

Copyrights and Contracts


1. creative artist’s control of original work: the legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction of their original works . from Bing Dictionary


1. document recording agreement: a document that records a formal or legally binding agreement. from Bing Dictionary

This post started out a couple days ago as a quick entry to announce the opening date for the 2013 Barbie Fan Club(BFC).  Members received an email with a little teaser postcard and the information that the club would be open to existing members on 2/6/13 and more information would be coming around 1/30/13.  Fantastic right?!  Short sweet and to the point.  Then I started wondering if I could share the graphic that Mattel sent with the postcard, it shows a shadowy figure and if anyone in the BFC has been looking at “sneak peeks” lately, they know who the club doll will be.  I, however, under membership agreement with the BFC , cannot share BFC specific photos here until Mattel makes them public.  Given that the graphic was only sent to BFC members, I interpreted that as BFC material and therefore subject to BFC membership rules.  Pretty straightforward really.   

I am a blogger and like most bloggers who are passionate about the subject they report on, I want to get photos and info out on the blog as soon as I can.  Believe me, I want to show photos and talk about the latest and greatest as soon as they hit my computer.  As a member of the WClub and BFC, however,  I hold myself to the contract I signed that stipulates how and when photos can be shared.  As it is with most things, not everyone follows the rules.  {Rant beginning}

There are a number of bloggers, pinners and Facebook participants who, against the rules of their contract,  share photos from the Barbie Fan Club. You can recognize the photos because they have “Barbie Collector” emblazoned across them.   Per Mattel, if this watermark is in place across a photo, it is earmarked for the BFC and therefore should not be shared outside of the BFC. It is clearly watermarked . People pay extra for the privilege of getting and seeing this information first. The BFC rules specifically state that you MAY NOT post or share photos from the BFC or risk losing your membership. Not to mention…it’s just rude, IMHO, to violate BFC rules and publish photos that people have had to pay extra to get. If you want the pictures early, you should pay the price of admission. If you did pay the price of admission, have the courtesy and respect for your fellow members and don’t share them outside of the BFC until the photo has been released to the general public.

It’s not just about the photos themselves, it’s about researching a source that you are using photos from too.  In the course of investigating this piece, I ran across a Facebook page for  Robert Best ( Silkstone designer for Mattel) which ,oddly enough, was using “Barbie Collector” watermarked  BFC exclusive photos that were just released .  People were responding to this person on Facebook as if he/she truly was Robert Best and  reposting the watermarked photos across the internet.  Something was not right.  I decided to check it out with the folks at Mattel and sure enough…this person on Facebook who has all the outward appearances of Robert Best…is NOT Robert Best.  Keep that in mind if you “friended” them.  Also, if you reposted those photos, you just took BFC copyright protected material and posted it under your name.    1)You have just committed copyright infringement and 2)This is grounds to remove you from the Barbie Fan Club.  Yes, they do monitor it and enforce it.

So what is the point of this rant you ask?  Firstly, Is it too much to ask for people to follow the rules of the contracts we sign when we join a doll club?  If the rules stipulate don’t post a photo, don’t post a photo.  Secondly, if there is an official “Barbie Collector” watermark on a photo, DON’T repost it!  Not on Facebook, not on a blog, not on Pinterest, not as an email to non members, not anywhere outside of the BFC. It simply is not “yours” to post.  When Mattel removes the watermark and releases the image to retailers or on their public site, the showcase gives you the option of sharing the photo with approx. 332 various social media sites .  That should be a clue that it’s okay to share the photo.  Oh….and lastly, if you are posing as someone you are not on Facebook, Stop it!  It’s rude, misleading and just plain wrong.   {Rant over}

This is a matter of personal integrity for me and in my opinion  is all about respecting and protecting our fellow collectors and the collecting communities that we all enjoy being a part of.   I enjoy being part of the Barbie Fan Club and wish to respect my fellow members by following the rules of the BFC.  I realize some will think I am being over zealous on the copyright and contract issues.  Okay.  It is indeed one of my hot buttons and I don’t think that is going to change any time soon.  I don’t believe it changes the validity of my point either. 

Do people even care about this issue?  Sound off……

Yuletide Yummies Barbie

If you are a member of the BFC ( Barbie Fan Club) and a fan of the Holiday Hostess Barbie series Bill Greening has been giving us over the past year, tomorrow is a day you should have marked on your calendar.   The next installment for this series will be available tomorrow and the fun begins at 9:00AM PT.  As this is not a platinum edition….I don’t expect to need my valium. Winking smileShe will set you back $75.00 and I suspect this one will sell out quickly so if you want her, get her soon.  Christmas is my all time favorite holiday so I plan to be online at 9AM PT  with bells on for this one.

** Photos are property of Mattel, Inc.**







How cute are these accessories I ask you??!!!  It’s almost worth it for the Santa mugs alone!  Here is a shot I took of her at Barbiecon.  Hair on this one at Barbiecon looks like its been messed with quite a bit.  I am kind of liking the promo shot better than the one we saw at Barbiecon although…the IRL photo makes her look softer.  LOVE the cat eye eyeliner and holiday red lips on this one.

Holiday Hostess

Afternoon Suit Silkstone–Dior’s “New Look” reimagined in 1/6 scale

The year was 1947 and a new designer Christian Dior seemed to be thumbing his nose at the still lingering austerity measures of post WWII and put yards and yards of fabric into the silhouettes of his “New Look”.  If you look it up in the dictionary, the “New Look” was defined by a narrow waist and full pleated skirt.  If you are a fan of fashion at all, you have seen this iconic photo.

the new look 1947

Or have seen it on display at a museum…..


43-dior-haute-couture-fall-winter-2009-15Christian Dior Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture da0d5xHekoJl

John Galliano paid homage to the house that employed him and reimagined this famous look for Dior in his Fall/Winter 2009 Haute Couture Collection.

It is a completely timeless look and it would not surprise me if  Robert Best was inspired by it for his Atelier Silkstone collection.


***Photo is property of Mattel, Inc.***

Model:  Afternoon Suit Silkstone Barbie

Edition size: No more than 4300 Worldwide

Gold label and BFC exclusive…you must be a member to get this lovely lady.

Mannequin: BFC gift with 2012 membership

Backdrop:  Made by the lovely Sheree (

20120317-IMG_8446-EditwmsizedYou can even backlight the backdrop…cool effect!

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BFC Registration Clarification

Good Morning fashion doll fans.  This is a morning that many Barbie collectors have waited for.  Registration for the Barbie Fan Club (BFC) 2012 begins today at 9:00AM PST.  There is an important piece if information that I neglected to share with my first post about this a few weeks back.

Current BFC members can reregister beginning at 9:00AM PST 2/08/12.  If  you are not a current member, all remaining spots will be open for registration on 2/15/12.

So, if you are a current BFC member today is the first day you can register.  There is no question for me.  I am registering at 9:00AM PST or very soon thereafter.  Can’t wait to get the club doll this year.

*** Photos are property of Mattel, Inc. ***


And…as a gift you will receive one of these…


It’s a no brainer for me.

BFC membership 2011

                  For more information about The Barbie Fan Club visit                            

Barbie Fan Club 2012 Registration Begins 2/8

We just finished the registration for Integrity Toy’s WClub so now it is Mattel’s turn.  The Barbie Fan Club has many perks and another active forum of collectors to participate in but…and you know the drill by now…you have to be a member.  One of the lovely things about the BFC is that there is no time limit to sign up.  There is , however, a membership limit.  Their literature states that they will sell 7500 memberships and that is all.   The club doll will also be limited to a specific number and the club doll has sold out the last couple of years.  This year, the BFC has a wonderful lineup of  club exclusive dolls.  The highlight for me is the club doll itself “Afternoon Suit” Barbie.  She is a Silkstone and her suit looks to have been inspired by Dior.  If you are at all interested in the BFC, I would recommend joining early.  My prediction is that this lady will sell out.

** photos are property of Mattel Inc. **


Inspiration?  Dior Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2009


Other dolls in the works for the club are: “Rush of Gold ” and “Holiday Hostess”

Rush of gold is listed as a platinum doll ( get your valium ready!)


Whoever inspired the club doll, my hat is off to them.  LOVE this lady!!!  Will I be buying?  Yep!  As fast as my little keys can hit the keyboard.  Not sure about the doll with her pageboy and bangs hairstyle.  In my experience, this hairstyle on the Silkies rarely comes out as nice as the promo photos but I will be more than happy to be wrong on this.  She has the look of Anna Wintour don’t you think?  Mattel will be releasing additional information on 02/01/2012.   For information now , feel free to go to the Barbie Collector sight or just click on the picture bellow.

BFC membership 2011

Ekaterina arrives in the Fashion Doll Studio

Robert Best has designed a new line of dolls for the BFMC inspired by Russia and Russian fashions.  The first one into the doll studio is Ekaterina.  She is exclusive to the Barbie Fan Club .  I am always a sucker for any doll with red hair.  When I saw the promo pictures, I knew this lady would be destined for my doll room and The Fashion Doll Studio.  Upon arrival, I was not impressed.  In her coffin of a box, she appeared very pale and the hair was not the riot of curls the promo picture would indicate.  That being said, I decided to debox and am very glad I did.  This is definitely a lady that needs to be DEBOXED to reach her full potential.  I did have to finesse the hair a bit to get the fuller look…more curls not one big curl on either side of the head.  The hat….not the best but I can deal.  I foresee a hatless model in the future but for now it will stay on her beautiful head.  I am a little afraid of the hat hair situation under there.  The bracelet was a surprise because I was expecting the same bracelet as D2D and Preferably Pink but it is slightly different – yeah!  The brooch on the hat is beautiful.  The outfit is similar to JNSQ but not too close.  The boots people…are…. TO DIE FOR.

I had some fun with my macro lens in the photo shoot so I was able to get some great up close shots.  Hope you enjoy.