Barbie for big girls.

BFMC 2013 Mermaid Gown BARBIE®

Oh my word people!!  Would you get a load of what the BFMC and Robert Best has in store for us this May!!!

“In 2013, the Barbie® Fashion Model Collection will continue with the theme of couture fashion introduced in 2012. The designs capture the style, detail and beauty of the great fashion houses of Europe. Ladylike, enchanting, yet over-the-top glamorous, this pale pink gown makes a striking statement with its mermaid silhouette. A sprinkling of pink, iridescent and clear sequins and beads embellish the strapless gown. Accessories include a tulle stole and elegant gloves – creating a flawless evening look..”

Available at dealers for preorder.  She is ranging from $145 to $150 depending on the dealer and is set for a May delivery. 

**Photos are courtesy of Mattel, Inc.**

Mermaid Gown Barbie


Mermaid Gown Barbie closeup copy

{THUD} Would someone revive Rebecca….she just fainted……

I DIE!!!!!!!!!!


19 responses

  1. She IS to die for!!! I don’t get as easily impressed as you, but I’m … breathless … but between the colors, sequins and that mermaid mass of gorgeousness right off the red carpet … I hear more collectors fainting! Sigh …

    January 25, 2013 at 10:01 pm

    • I know right?!! Total glamour…am soooo going to be waiting for this one.

      January 25, 2013 at 10:07 pm

  2. Is this on the BFMC site? I want to pin/Facebook this, but not sure how you feel about that. Haven’t found Mattel’s official link. Or link from you w/yr credit. Pls advise yr recommendations how to proceed. Thanks!

    January 25, 2013 at 10:05 pm

    • It is not on the official Mattel site as of yet but has been released to dealers so it is “public”. I give photo credit to Mattel. Feel free to send people to the blog for info. Thanks for bringing this up. I noticed that some bloggers and facebook people were posting this photo with “Barbie Collector” watermarking all over it a few days ago. It has always been my understanding that if that watermark is on a photo, you should not be posting it as it is designated Barbie Fan Club exclusive material. Out of respect for my fellow club due paying members and in accordance with my BFC contract, I will not post photos that are BFC exclusive. I have a whole blog post on this very issue that I may or may not get around to posting as it is a bit of a rant 🙂

      January 25, 2013 at 10:15 pm

  3. Suzette

    Oh, you beautiful doll! I’m not usually a big fan of mermaid gowns, but the treatment at the bottom of the gown is amazing — just like she’s standing among oversized pale pink roses. Superb!!

    January 25, 2013 at 10:30 pm

    • Could not agree more Suzette. I love pale pink roses 🙂

      January 28, 2013 at 12:59 pm

  4. Shuga-Shug

    Really loving the bottom of that gown! Cant’ wait to see you photograph her!

    January 25, 2013 at 10:33 pm

    • Wish it were already in the mail to me 🙂 Sooo couture.

      January 28, 2013 at 1:00 pm

  5. Thanks for posting clarification. Mostly I didn’t want to upset you. I value being here. I was more concerned your reaction vs Mattel.

    Normally, anyone can post anything w/watermark. UNLESS as you say, you have contracts limiting usage of images. You are in an elite group, privvy to info before the public. BUT I suspect Mattel is quite aware it’s a time consuming endeavor to police/enforce. Plus they benefit from the viral marketing. They are very savvy.

    It’s different when ppl post copyrighted images, like yours and mine, and make money from it! Oy, do I know that scenario. It’s not kosher to post copyrighted material and no credit. The laws are toothless cos we haven’t lost money.

    Except I do take a loss cos ppl love my pix, but no idea they are mine. So I’ve lost future earnings. BUT if they don’t profit, not much we can do.

    One could say they might profit if they make sales or any income from their site. Try discussing that w/a judge. Oy, the horror! Been there, done that.

    The laws are woefully out of date. Legislators are not online and don’t understand. You don’t wanna know how judges deal in legit legal cases. Clueless! IF the money is substantial, we can hire an attorney, but not for small claims court. Good luck w/that. Yes, been there, done that and about to do it again.

    There’s a big enough case of someone using my photo for flyer. I have a good article from re this scenario. Photog is very famous, Jay Meisel, re “The Fair Use Quandary.” Google and you can find the link. I sent the link to an attorney pal, who asked for more detail re my issue.

    We’ll see how long it takes and if worth the time. ONLY pursuing because money was made and I know this band has money. THEY KNOW ME. Hard for them to wiggle outta it w/decent attorney.

    But hey, nothing is certain when it comes to protecting our work and being compensated. Sigh. AND that is one reason I don’t have money for lovely dollies. Ppl think I’m so rich and famous. Not yet, working on it! 😉

    January 25, 2013 at 11:04 pm

    • Yes…copyright law and in particular digital copyright law is woefully lacking or at least woefully not enforced. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act was very helpful and I have had to use that one a time or two in cease and desist letters but the copying of images and reposting without credit is running rampant on the internet. Pinterest is a HUGE issue right now for me. People pin off of anything and sometimes it will grab your web address and sometimes it won’t. I love that people enjoy the photos I take. I would love it even more if they gave credit to the photographer when they pin the photo. I foresee a huge problem with Pinterest in the future and copyright issues.

      Sorry you are in the middle dealing with this very issue right now. Hope it works out for you 🙂

      January 28, 2013 at 1:06 pm

  6. The bottom of dress is gonna make this an overnight best seller and probably sell out quickly, ya think? We are all in agreement as to its lusciousness!

    January 25, 2013 at 11:06 pm

    • I predict the hefty price on this one will keep it in stock for a little while at least…but perhaps not very long.

      January 28, 2013 at 1:07 pm

  7. Pinterest: I don’t upload a lot, mostly repin, but I included link back here. “To die for: Barbie Mermaid Gown from Robert Best, May 2013. Thanks to Rebecca, Inside the Fashion Doll Studio, [followed by link to this post.]

    Now back to my work! About to sign w/TWO major online rock photo reps, compiling images/notes for them… plus a web site client … gotta raise funds for dollies. 😉

    January 25, 2013 at 11:13 pm

    • Thank you Thank you! Can you please, please, please give your fellow pinners some pointers in HOW TO PIN correctly. I have people pinning stuff off of my skydrive and it is driving me crazy!!!

      January 28, 2013 at 1:08 pm

  8. Lori Birkeneder

    Love the doll, love the gown- finding room in the ever expanding busting through shelves for her!

    January 26, 2013 at 6:31 am

    • Oh yes…definitely need to find room on the shelf for this one. Isn’t she glorious?! Right there with you in finding the space….it will be all ready for her when she arrives. 🙂

      January 28, 2013 at 1:09 pm

  9. Madame L

    Okay, fine…I throw in the towel, I’m a Silkstone collector now!! First Gala Gown, then Cocktail Dress and now this! She’s fabulous (that gown, those falling curls from the back of her hair). Pre-ordered…sigh.

    January 26, 2013 at 1:42 pm

    • Yes!! Welcome to the Silkstone side. I am unrepentant in my enabling….sorry. You are going to love her Lisa…you know you are. Think of how fab this dress will be on one of our Poppy’s or NuFace girls! Winner, winner chicken dinner.

      January 28, 2013 at 1:11 pm

      • Madame L

        I didn’t think about redressing the gown on Poppy or a NF girl….that’s a lovely idea! I’m not a huge formal gown gal, but this one is such a pretty confection. I’m really enamored with this lady and can’t wait to see her in person, so thank you for being such a good enabler :). I am happy to have finally succumb to the Silkstone side!!

        January 28, 2013 at 10:59 pm

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